08 July 2011

Ooh la la. . .

I spent today on the computer, still trying to defeat the "deadline villain".

I think I've done pretty well though. I worked hard on my feature and I've interviewed some great girls who volunteer to help the community.

My voice tends to sound funny on the phone so I don't like calling people. Today I crawled out of my shell and called them. Jessica told me calling would work better as I would get to interact with the girls and it gets people to say things they wouldn't normally tell in an email interview.

That’s why I want to go ahead with this article, so that I can showcase the amazing work of other people and in the process touch the lives of those who read my work.
Some new interns came in today, this office just constantly sees people coming and going. It's almost like a train station LOL. Sadly, it is almost time for the train to arrive at my stop and it has been one amazing ride filled with amazing memories.

Ciao bella,

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