To say that the last two days have been hectic would be a major understatement.
Yesterday we did the shorts shoot and it was amazing to be on set and experience the way it all happens. Although it was a long day because we have to do ten outfits it all turned out amazingly! And the model was a stunner!
Today we did some more sourcing. Man alive I’m tired. It is definitely hectic working on the fashion side of things but also really fun! Then when we eventually arrived back at the office it was time to get every thing ready for our still shoot tomorrow with an emphasis on budget shopping. It was a long day but I’m excited for tomorrow and to see how well our shoot goes!
-Angelique, Fashion intern
Two more days left at 17 (sniff sniff), heading back home is going to feel so weird. Why is life like that? Just when you getting comfy and enjoying yourself, it’s time to pack up and go. Oh well, it was a crazy experience nonetheless and hopefully one sweet day I can come back and work for 17 magazine . Today I conceptualised ideas for the monthly openers, layout and chose pics to go in the seventeen 2011 diary. Just a pity I cannot stay longer to actually put it all together; that would have been a ball! But at least seeing my idea on the diary next year will be so fulfilling. Oh, and Stacey liked it=)
Don, art director intern
Wow what a busy day indeed! Working towards deadline day, which is tomorrow! So stressed out! Lol well at least I managed to finish my transcription of the interview with Axene!
It was definite hard work I tell you! Rutendo, Donnae and I never even managed to go for lunch which we normally do, so basically the whole day was spent in the office doing some work for the October issue and deadline day!
Ciao…tomorrow will be my last Friday at seventeen. What a sad reality!
- Shaakirah, editorial intern
Seeing as tomorrow is deadline day for all our writing pieces the interns and myself took full advantage of every second of the day to finish up our tasks. We didn’t even take a lunch break but we did, of course, eat in the office. I felt like my head was ‘spinning right round baby right round.’ (good song ☺)
While typing up my voice out, I had a little bit of a ‘writers block.’ I just sat for a good hour or so typing and erasing and typing and erasing my work. I finally got my groove back after the mini break I took. I guess some times in order to work you actually need to stop working, take a break and start again.
I can only imagine what it’s like actually working and having intense deadlines . And in this industry once they put the issue to bed that’s it. No more editing or last minute writing. If you miss that deadline then, as my friends would say, “It’s late for you!”
-Rutendo Nyamuda, editor's intern
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