So instead, lets start like this. Oh, what a day I had. I finished my Voice Out, which I had a lot of fun writing. During lunch Shakirah, Donae and I sat outside in the sun (which failed at its attempt at being hot). Then we went into the furniture store and took some really cool but random pictures. And that, I think, sums up my day.
I must admit that I’m so looking forward to the Beauty Sale on Monday!All the products that have been sent to seventeen, the ones advertised in the magazine, have been piling up on the shelf so they’re selling it all. I wonder what they’re going to do with all the money. Perhaps they’re starting to save up so that they can hire me after I graduate next year… (That was a major hint if you didn’t get that.)
Another weekend. I know I complain a lot about Mondays. I even sometimes sing that song by The Boomtown Rats that goes, “Tell me why I don’t like Monday’s… I want to shoot the whole day down.” But this Monday will be different. Perhaps I should go look for songs that are all about loving Mondays because trust me, this coming Monday – the 26th of July 2010 – there won’t be anything that I don’t like. In fact, coming to work will no doubt be the highlight of my week.
Hurry up weekend! I can’t wait for Monday to come☺
– ¬Rutendo, Editor intern
I had a great last day here. I was here much earlier than usual because we were shootingat 9:30 at DIY studios and we had to get everything ready and packed to get there and prep. Before we went to the studio, we stopped at a secondhand store in Long Street called Second Time Around to pick up some skirts for the shoot.
When we arrived I hung out and steamed all the clothing, cut off tags and wiped the glasses clean. Then we shot all the sling handbags, the shoes and finally the outfits and jewellery. The whole thing took just over two hours and it was great to experience it.
Once we got back, I unpacked everything and made some photocopies of slips, filled them in and went on lunch. The rest of the day was chilled: we just packed clothing up to be sent back.
The last two weeks have been a real learning experience for myself: not only about the magazine industry, but about people’s different personalitiesand about myself and who I am as a person. For that fact alone its been well worth it. I will always carry this experience with me and it will help to develop me as a person and make my character stronger. I love growing, learning and gaining experience and I’m glad I could do a little of that here at seventeen magazine.
– Angie*, Fashion intern
It’s the last Friday that I’ll be here at seventeen! Sad day it is indeed. >sniff< It was BEAUTIFUL! The hot days and the rainy days I came and I sat in front of my pc working towards deadline. And deadline has come. And gone.
I just finished my Voice Out. I do hope it is good. Not much to say today, but Monday will be my last day here and I’ll be saying farewell to the team, Donae, Rutendo and Angelique! Had a good picture day today where we went all over the 17 offices and took random pics of well… EVERYTHING! Haha… it was fun! Aahh… memories indeed. I’ll be looking at those pics when I’m all grey and frail…
Looking forward to my last day at 17!
– Shakirah, Editorial intern
Today wasn’t much hard work. Stacey gave me a crash course on what an advertorial is and how it is created. She then briefed me about the advertorial for Young Solution. I then had to source images that could be used for the ad: images that depicted a problem-solvingscenario.
As I write this, I am filled with gratitude and much contentment for having an opportunity to get a taste of what always seemed to be a dream: interning at a magazine. Sadness fills me too, though, that everything must end some or other time. But this is not the end. When I complete my last year in graphic design, I will keep on doing internships such as this, apply wherever I can and just press on. Leaving home (East London) and college for two weeks was a tough decision to make. Firstly, only my mom supported my decision to take on this internship and only she listened to the voice deep within me other than the one that actually spoke, and secondly, I have missed out on a lot at college during these two weeks and will be chucked into the deep end when I get back. But it’s all right: I followed my heart and inner voice. So thanks mom, you encouraged my decision and I don’t regret it one bit because of what I leave with from here: memories, skills and experience. Because of this, I have moved a step further up to reaching my goals in life. Thanx 17.
– Donae, Art Director intern
One of the shots from our fashion opener shoot... Sssh!
Our gorge model getting hair and make-up done.
Steam it up!
Clothes, clothes, clothes... Don't you wish THIS was YOUR closet?