28 June 2011

Introducing Entertainment 101

Last night I set my alarm for 6 am but ended up waking up at 5 am – I was so excited about my first day of interning at seventeen. I couldn't handle having to wait another hour!

After we arrived at the offices, we were each assigned a desk and then waited for the rest of the girls to arrive before being huddled into one of the aisles for a little ‘meet and greet’ with the rest of the girls and the seventeam. After that we were each given our individual tasks for the day: lots of research for me! I have to think of ideas we can use for October’s entertainment section of the mag – known as Scene to all of you. Later today, I’ll be meeting with Zainab , the entertainment editor, to discuss these ideas then we’ll have a meeting with Khwezi the editor, where we’ll decide what will work for the issue.

I’ve been at work all morning doing research on people that have successful careers. I need to create a timeline about their journey on becoming who they are today and this includes how they built their career, what they studied and what steps they took to get to the top. All of this will tie together for a possible careers feature in the October issue.

One thing I can say about being an intern or part of the seventeam in general, is that it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and passion to create such an amazing magazine. According to Zainab, there are definitely perks such as CD launches, VIP events, interviews with celebs and sneak peeks with all sorts of entertainment brands. But what really adds to the coolness of it all is that by writing, we interact with all the seventeen readers. I’m definitely ready to learn and soak up everything I can while I’m here.

Love & Lipgloss

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