6 July
I jumped out of bed when my alarm went off, a rush of cold air ran down my spine and reality struck… today would be the start of my 17 Academy internship! It felt like the first day of school, all those emotions came rushing back and I was more nervous than ever. I arrived super early but later when I was settled at my desk I was immediately put to work writing the copy for the must-haves in the September issue. The seventeen team were really busy today!
7 July
Today was totally awesome! Lauren (guest editor) and I went to the V&A Waterfront to scout some cute guys for the Guys Talk page – we needed their thoughts on dating and relationships. It took a while to find some hot guys but eventually we found a few… Lauren and I had totally different definitions on what’s hot! It felt so cool to say, “Hi, we’re from seventeen.” I felt like a real journalist. I’m still in school so it’s going to take quite some time before I’m actually living that dream. But for now I’m going to enjoy my fairytale while I can and hopefully leave a good impression. You'll have to wait for the September issue to see what the guys said, but in the meantime you can get your hotties fix at www.seventeen.co.za
8 July
Although my morning started off quite rough – my alarm didn’t go off – I still managed to get to work early. I’ve been busy researching and writing the Digi Diva story for the September issue. I took a whole load of photos of the office today to show my friends and family. In the afternoon I gave Liza (managing ed) my first draft for the Digi Diva story and while she was checking it, I took a break to look at pics of Chace Crawford on the web – YUM. I drank so much water today – guess I’ll be super healthy when I finish here. I could get used to this lifestyle!
hard at work
9 July
Today’s my second last day here at seventeen (weep weep). Yesterday we had cupcakes, doughnuts and chips to say cheers to some of the 17 Academy girls who were finished their internships. Everyone got these awesome goodie bags filled with hot chocolate, earrings, perfume and all sorts of fun stuff. I got mine early (yay!) because I’ll be the only one leaving tomorrow. Life here is soo not like the movies where people are ordering you around all the time – everyone is chilled and so awesome – seventeen is the best magazine ever!! You haven’t lived unless you’ve worked here… I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I spent the afternoon recycling the dummy book for the August issue – and I took a sneak peek at some of the articles. It’s amazing and it’s on sale on 29 July so go out and get it! I really don’t want to leave, I just got used to the team and now it’s nearly time to say goodbye.
my awesome goodies - thanks guys!
10 July
It’s exactly two months until my sweet 16 – I’m so excited, I’ve been waiting forever!
Today is the last day of the awesomeness at seventeen – soo sad. Although I’m glad I can sleep late tomorrow… I don’t even get up this early for school so it’s all kinda new to me. But sacrificing sleep was definitely worth it and after today it’ll be back to reality. Aww man! I was so close to tears when I got my 17 Academy certificate. Thanks a bunch seventeen I’m going to miss you all so much, you guys have taught me so much and the memories I have I’ll cherish forever! Thank you for giving a girl like me the opportunity to live my dream.
I love you seventeen!